The Conference

Topics to be discussed during the Forum’s 2-Day Conference will include destination sustainability, destination marketing and delivery, guest immersion and satisfaction, overcrowding, new destination entries, port infrastructure, “green” practices and solutions, effective berth allocation solutions and daily caps on arrivals.


Delegate fees & Registration


To be announced

Sponsorship & Advertising

As a Sponsor or Supporter of the event you can enjoy a selection of exposure opportunities, which will raise your company profile, enhance awareness of your products and services and enable you to reach out to cruise executives and the international sea tourism industry.

  • Sponsor benefits include:
  • Free delegate passes
  • Fully equipped exhibition stand
  • Sponsor’s logo on all conference literature
  • Logo on conference backdrop
  • Logo on speaker, exhibitor and delegate lanyards
  • Invitations to speakers’ dinner
  • Logo on Posidonia Sea Tourism Forum advertisements
  • Company profile to be included in the Forum programme

…and more.

For more details contact us

Advertising Options

  • Full page in the PSTF catalogue
  • Banner on PSTF website
  • Exhibitor’s promo (mass mailing)

For more details contact us


To be announced

Travel info